The Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure (MMPI) actively participated in the use of available EU funds through the financial period 2014-2020. The improvement of the website was co-financed by technical assistance funds from the Operational Program Competitiveness and Cohesion, from the European Regional Development Fund. The content of this site is the responsibility of the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure.

Northern breakwater on the island Saint Catherine within the port open to public transport of county significance – Port of Rovinj

The building of the northern breakwater for the Port of Rovinj, on the islet of St. Catherine

Source of funding


Completion phase:

Project implementation

Total eligible costs (EUR)


EU contribution (EUR)


Date of conclusion of the contract


Estimated completion date


Project description

The project involves the building of the northern breakwater on the islet of St. Catherine inside the port of county significance open to public transport – Port of Rovinj.

The purview of the project are construction works on the building of the northern breakwater, approximately 152 m long above the waterline (inside measurement) and the hydrant network, and works on the electrical lighting installation.

Project goal

The goal of the project is the building of the breakwater on the northern shore of the islet of St.Catherine, increasing the safety of maritime transport in the Port of Rovinj and improving transport connections and accessibility for the islet of St. Catherine.

The project has a positive effect on the safety of navigation in the Port of Rovinj and the conditions for the regular and safe maintenance of maritime traffic between Rovinj and the surrounding islands.