Project description
The subject of the Project is the securing and modernization of 94 level crossings and one pedestrian crossing with automatic electronic signaling and safety devices which use modern devices with light signals in LED technology and bells to ensure the safe flow of traffic, while at 79 level crossings, in addition to the above, the installation of half-barrier is planned. Phase II includes 84 level crossings and one pedestrian crossing.
The installed equipment will meet the basic requirements prescribed by the Law on Safety and Interoperability of the Railway System (safety, reliability and availability, technical compatibility, etc.), and will include safety elements in accordance with the EU Directive 2016/798 on railway safety.
Project goal
The basic objectives of the Project are to reduce the dangers arising from the intersection of two separate transport systems (railway and road), increase the safety level of level crossings, reduce the number of traffic accidents and thereby reduce the number of victims and the costs caused by traffic accidents.
Level crossings (ŽCP) and pedestrian crossings (PP) are crossings of two separate traffic systems, and from the point of view of safety, they represent a point of high risk for all road users. In the absence of an adequate level of crossing safety measures, the danger increases significantly, which is confirmed by the number of traffic accidents at crossings.