The Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure (MMPI) actively participated in the use of available EU funds through the financial period 2014-2020. The improvement of the website was co-financed by technical assistance funds from the Operational Program Competitiveness and Cohesion, from the European Regional Development Fund. The content of this site is the responsibility of the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure.

Rehabilitation of hazardous locations on state roads

Increasing road safety

Source of funding


Completion phase:

Completed project

Total eligible costs (EUR)


EU contribution (EUR)


Date of conclusion of the contract


Project completion


Project summary

The projects envisage the rehabilitation of 23 hazardous locations or accident blackspots identified by the Republic of Croatia Implementation Plan for the Rehabilitation of Hazardous Locations on State Roads which aims to improve road safety with an emphasis on the most vulnerable road users (pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists).

Eligible project activities include the preparation of the project documentation, the execution of works on the rehabilitation of the hazardous locations (modifying, supplementing and restoring all types of road signs and roadside equipment, traffic light installation and performance optimization, implementation of crosswalks and sidewalks, construction of short road sections or bypasses, road widening, construction of roundabouts, reconstruction of the intersections, installation of the protective and “New Jersey” barriers, relocation and construction of the bus stops etc.), the procurement and installation of the necessary equipment, the procurement of a special road inspection vehicle and the expert supervision of road works.

Multimedia content

View photo and video project materials
