The Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure (MMPI) actively participated in the use of available EU funds through the financial period 2014-2020. The improvement of the website was co-financed by technical assistance funds from the Operational Program Competitiveness and Cohesion, from the European Regional Development Fund. The content of this site is the responsibility of the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure.

Construction of the road Pučišća – Povlja, section Pučišća – cove Luka

Construction of the road Pučišća – Povlja

Source of funding


Completion phase:

Completed project

Total eligible costs (EUR)


EU contribution (EUR)


Date of conclusion of the contract


Project completion


Project summary

The project envisages the construction of a 4,825 m road from the intersection of the County Road ŽC 6161 with the unclassified road Pučišća-Jadrankamen to the intersection with the turnoff of the unclassified road in the direction of Tourist Zone “Luka”.

The construction of the Pučišća – cove Luka section represents the first phase in the reconstruction and construction of the Supetar – Pučišća – Povlja – Sumartin road. The implementation of the project shall relieve the primary junction in Supetar, improve the traffic connection of the eastern Brač with Supetar, a port of county importance, and significantly shorten the travel time between Pučišća and Povlja. It will enable better connectivity on the island for the local population. The completion of the project contributes to the use of a sustainable and modern transportation service throughout the year, thus making employment, education and other services available to the island communities.