The Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure (MMPI) actively participated in the use of available EU funds through the financial period 2014-2020. The improvement of the website was co-financed by technical assistance funds from the Operational Program Competitiveness and Cohesion, from the European Regional Development Fund. The content of this site is the responsibility of the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure.

Construction of the ferry dock in the port of Kaprije

Improved accessibility for island residents – Port of Kaprije

Source of funding


Completion phase:

Completed project

Total eligible costs (EUR)


EU contribution (EUR)


Date of conclusion of the contract


Project completion


Videos and photos from the construction site

Aerial video — 26.11.2022. 12:00:00

Project summary

The project envisages the construction of a new pier with a length of 55 m, width of 6 m, height of +1,50 m above the water line and minimal depth of -5,0 m along the pier, with 15 m wide embarkation / disembarkation ferry ramps and a surface area of 330 m2 as well as a 2.300 m2 manipulative plateau approximately 700 m northwest of Kaprije town centre.

The planned intervention will move the existing quay, located in the town centre (a zone of shallow water ), to a peripheral area of Kaprije (a zone of greater sea depth). Construction of the new quay will allow the use of more seaworthy ferries with a larger draught, improving the service quality and enhancing navigational safety on the ferry line Šibenik – Zlarin – Obonjan – Kaprije – Žirje and the high-speed line Žirje – Kaprije – Šibenik, as well as improve connections between the mainland and islands of the Šibenik archipelago, particularly Kaprije and Žirje.

Multimedia content

View photo and video project materials
