The Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure (MMPI) actively participated in the use of available EU funds through the financial period 2014-2020. The improvement of the website was co-financed by technical assistance funds from the Operational Program Competitiveness and Cohesion, from the European Regional Development Fund. The content of this site is the responsibility of the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure.

Convergence of DSNA and COOPANS ATM Systems step 1B (CODACAS 1B) –Cohesion part

Establishing the basis for a common core of the ATM System

Source of funding


Completion phase:

Completed project

Total eligible costs (EUR)


EU contribution (EUR)


Date of conclusion of the contract


Project completion


Project summary

The project envisages the definition of the Common Core of the ATM system (Air traffic management).

The ATM system (Air traffic management) used by DSNA (fr. La direction des services de la navigation aérienne – DSNA) and all COOPANS partners (COOPeration between ANS providers – COOPANS; Air navigation service – ANS) under the heading CODACAS Coflight Centered Common Core (Convergence Of DSNA and COOPANS ATM Systems Coflight Centered Common Core – CODACAS C5).

The CODACAS Programme has been launched by DSNA and COOPANS with the objective to ensure, by the mid-2020s, a harmonization of their ATM systems (‘Common Build’). Project activities include defining the Common Core, assessing its technical, operational and financial feasibility, and developing strategies for its procurement and its integration into the partners’ ATM systems. The project is implemented in coordination between Croatia and France.